LHW acts as a bridge between the care provider of formal health system and the community. They are providing promotive, preventive and curative services to their communities in the field of health education, maternal and child health, nutrition, family planning and treatment of minor ailments. They are also involved in national level health related activities like Polio NIDs, Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus elimination activity, EPI vaccination, DOTS therapy, nutrition activities and AFP surveillance. Their specific objectives are reduction of IMR, MMR, and increase in CPR, Immunization coverage, early initiation of breast feedingand deliveries by skilled birth attendants.
The LHWs after recruitment are trained for fifteen months at FLCF and are then based in their own locality. Their home is designated as a Health House. Health Facility in each union council is the focal point of each LHW. The Facility Medical officer, LHV and Health Technician act as their trainers for their basic and 15 days Refresher training every year . LHWs submit their monthly MIS report on 1st of each month during their one day continued education session and get their monthly quota of medicine and Family Planning items (condoms & oral pills).Their monthly stipend is Rs.2990/pm.
Lady Health Supervisors
For mPublish Postonitoring and supervision of LHWs a separate cadre of Lady Health Supervisors are employed and provided with a vehicle. One LHS, supervises 20-25 LHWs and do it on day to day basis. At present there are about 3,700 LHSs in the field.
The LHWs after recruitment are trained for fifteen months at FLCF and are then based in their own locality. Their home is designated as a Health House. Health Facility in each union council is the focal point of each LHW. The Facility Medical officer, LHV and Health Technician act as their trainers for their basic and 15 days Refresher training every year . LHWs submit their monthly MIS report on 1st of each month during their one day continued education session and get their monthly quota of medicine and Family Planning items (condoms & oral pills).Their monthly stipend is Rs.2990/pm.
Lady Health Supervisors
For mPublish Postonitoring and supervision of LHWs a separate cadre of Lady Health Supervisors are employed and provided with a vehicle. One LHS, supervises 20-25 LHWs and do it on day to day basis. At present there are about 3,700 LHSs in the field.